At the beginning of every relationship there seems to be no end to the number of interesting conversation topics the couple can share.
But sooner or later all the initial "getting to know you" subjects are exhausted – and then what? The important word in the title of this article is "interesting" - and that means interesting to both parties.
It is known that falling out of love is the major reason for divorce. But, if a couple are able to have interesting and stimulating conversations, this is great for the strength of the relationship.
Recent research has confirmed what many have always suspected – that male and female brains are "wired differently". That fact manifests itself in a myriad different ways; essentially men are better for some tasks and women better for others.
And that is reflected when it comes to the subject of interesting conversation topics.
Subjects that are of interest to men are boring to women, and vice-versa – so what to do?
Life Daily understands this problem, so we set our team the task of finding some topics that should work for most couples.
Take a few moments to browse our suggestions:
1. The early days
Discuss the early days of your relationship and rediscover what drew you to each other. Which one of you made the first move? Who said "yes"- and why?
2. HobbiesNo matter how long you have known each other, common hobbies always provide much to talk about. If it's a new relationship, discuss hobbies that your partner loved as a child. If you've been together for a few years, explore the possibility of doing something new. Following mutual interests helps couples to become closer, while having fun.
3. VacationsAlways a great source for conversation. You can reflect on past vacations – maybe before you knew each other – or perhaps some that you shared. And planning for future vacations provides an almost endless topic; the world is a very big place!
Anyway, conversation is important as it offers valuable pointers on what your partner likes doing best on holidays.
4. "How was your day, dear?"An essential – and too often overlooked – conversation starter. Maybe your partner will be too tired to say much, but the very fact that there is somebody to ask the question speaks volumes about your love and support.
5. The FutureDiscussions on the future make for some very interesting conversations. However, be careful if you know there are sensitive issues like kids or finances. Keep these conversations on the level of asking your partner to name five new things he/she would like to learn before turning forty/fifty/sixty and so on.
6. FoodProvided that you have common tastes, or even if you differ, you are unlikely to ever run out of delicious things to say about food. You can discuss recipes, restaurants you have been to – or would like to visit - or exotic dishes. This is potentially yet another topic without limits.
7. Photo-AlbumsUnfortunately, in this age of instant digital images, the pleasure of poring over old fading photos is being lost. But if you do have some old albums they can be a great source of information and interest.
8. Yucky StoriesIt's always fun to talk about the yuckiest thing you ever had to do. It can be anything from what happened in high school chemistry class to the first time they you got completely drunk with friends.
9. FamilyAll families are interesting and provide endless topics for conversation. But be careful to take into account what you know about your partner's early life. If, for example, you now that the childhood years were unhappy, maybe better to steer clear. On the other hand, perhaps your partner would welcome the opportunity to bring everything into the open. You will have to decide.
10. Erotic FantasyHopefully, your relationship will be on such a level that talking about sex is not taboo. So, spice things up by talking about erotic fantasies or a crazy thoughts. Just take care that you don't create any stress by expecting the other person to act anything out.
11. Unexpected funIf you could just drop whatever you are doing and do something that was fun, ask your partner what would it be. This is also an interesting way of knowing what your partner enjoys doing most, especially with you.
12. Life goals and valuesThese change over time and something which your partner considered important may not be so any more. So ask, for example, if there was one historical event that he/she could change, what it would be. You may be surprised by a different answer from the last time this subject was discussed.
13. Material things
If you are living together, talk about what material things are important to each of you. Planning future purchases, especially expensive ones, might not seem a very romantic topic of conversation between couples, but ignoring it can create problems in a relationship. So face up to these issues while there is still time.
14. Values and idealsUsually, having shared values and ideals is the basis for a solid relationship. Which are important to your partner? Which kind of causes does he/she support - and why.
Of course, our list of interesting conversation topics is not exhaustive, but it provides a good starting basis
Do you have a favorite topic, or one we didn't include? You can share it with our readers simply by using the comments feed below.