The first reaction of many people to an article about things they should stop doing at 30 is: 'Why are there things I need to stop just because I am 30 years old?'
The answer to that question depends upon the type of person you were up to then. Were you a rebellious teenager who calmed down in your twenties as you became more aware of the realities of the world? Or did you try to cling on to your youth to delay coming to terms with real life?
Each decade has a significance in the journey of life, but turning 30 is, arguably, the pivotal point in your development as a person.
For many, what you are - and where you are - at this age, determines your whole future. Of course, the way in which the 'Big-Three-Oh' is regarded is different for men and women.
For many men, it is the age at which they are well into a career and family.
For women there are other considerations. Their biological clock is ticking, and nature begins to be less kind. Their desire to cling on to youth is probably best exemplified by the 20th thing on our list of things you should stop doing.
After all, there is a limit to how many years you can insist that you are 29!
We know that turning 30 isn't easy. So our MommaBearz team has researched the accumulated wisdom of those who have, to come up with 20 things you need to stop doing in your 30s to help you adjust
Take note:
1. Stop giving a sh*t about what people put on Facebook
2. Stop waiting around for things to happen3. Stop living up to someone else's expectations
4. Stop making excuses to avoid the gym
5. Stop buying only cheap pants6. Stop saying "I'll do that tomorrow/next week/next month"
7. Stop forgetting that you already have so much in your life to be thankful for
8. Stop going along with thoughts and beliefs without being fully informed9. Stop using the "tired" or "busy" excuse to avoid doing things10. Stop regretting things from the past
11. Stop going out to eat horribly unhealthy food at all hours of the night
12. Stop wearing clothing that doesn't fit
13. Stop bumping gangsta rap in your car with the windows down in traffic14. Stop saying your pet is "like a child" to you
15. Stop dressing like a teenager
16. Stop obsessing over celebrities
17. Stop getting tattoos and piercings
18. Stop depending on others to take care of you19. Stop getting drunk every weekend
20. Stop telling everyone that you're still 29, you've been 29 three times now!
So there you have it; 20 'no-no's' for the over 30's. But being over 30 doesn't mean you're '' over the hill'. On the contrary; it means that your real life is just beginning.
How do you feel about being over 30? Care to share your experiences with us? There's a comment feed below where you can do just that; we'd love to hear from you.